The Character Counts program aims to foster moral and ethical values in elementary school students through activities that explore six pillars: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The engaging activities promote learning through practice and reflection, contributing to the development of conscious and responsible citizens prepared to act ethically and constructively in society. Here are some additional details that you can include in your summary: The Character Counts program is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian initiative that has been widely implemented in schools across the United States and beyond. The program's six pillars are based on the Josephson Institute of Ethics' Six Pillars of Character. The Character Counts program provides a variety of resources for educators, including lesson plans, activities, and assessments.


TEACHING VALUES: And Building Character

Welcome to the book "Teaching Values and Building Character". This book was created with the aim of presenting playful activities to teach values in a fun way and build character in children and young people. The values of sincerity, respect, responsibility, sense of justice, zeal and citizenship are fundamental for the formation of an ethical and morally responsible individual. Therefore, this book presents proposals for ludic activities that help teach these values in a creative and fun way. Each chapter of this book presents a reflection on one of these value and proposes a playful activity to teach it. The proposed activities are varied and include games, theater, group dynamics, among others. All of them were designed to be developed in an easy and accessible way in different contexts, such as schools, families and youth groups. Through the activities proposed in this book, it is possible to help children and young people to understand the importance of the values of sincerity, respect, responsibility, sense of justice, zeal and citizenship in their lives, and to put them into practice in their personal relationships and social. In addition, these activities help to build the character of these people, contributing to the formation of ethical and responsible individuals. We hope this book will be useful for parents, educators and anyone who wants to teach values and build character in children and young people in a creative and fun way. Take advantage of the proposed activities and allow yourself to participate in this journey of building a better world, where values are the basis of a just and balanced society.


Bem-vindo ao livro "Ensinando Valores e Construindo o Caráter". Este livro foi criado com o objetivo de apresentar atividades lúdicas para ensinar valores de forma divertida e construir o caráter das crianças e jovens.

Os valores de sinceridade, respeito, responsabilidade, senso de justiça, zelo e cidadania são fundamentais para a formação de um indivíduo ético e moralmente responsável. Por isso, este livro apresenta propostas de atividades lúdicas que ajudam a ensinar esses valores de forma criativa e divertida.

Cada capítulo deste livro apresenta uma reflexão sobre um desses valores e propõe uma atividade lúdica para ensiná-lo. As atividades propostas são variadas e incluem jogos, teatros, dinâmicas em grupo, entre outras. Todas elas foram pensadas para serem desenvolvidas de forma fácil e acessível em diferentes contextos, como escolas, famílias e grupos de jovens.

Através das atividades propostas neste livro, é possível ajudar as crianças e jovens a compreender a importância dos valores de sinceridade, respeito, responsabilidade, senso de justiça, zelo e cidadania em suas vidas, e a colocá-los em prática em suas relações pessoais e sociais. Além disso, essas atividades ajudam a construir o caráter dessas pessoas, contribuindo para a formação de indivíduos éticos e responsáveis.

Esperamos que este livro seja útil para pais, educadores e todos aqueles que desejam ensinar valores e construir o caráter de crianças e jovens de forma criativa e divertida. Aproveite as atividades propostas e permita-se participar dessa jornada de construção de um mundo melhor, onde os valores são a base de uma sociedade justa e equilibrada.


Cursos e Estudos Bíblicos Gratuitos